Strengthening citizen influence on WASH in the newly developed governance system in Mombasa and Taita Taveta Counties in Kenya

Country: Kenya

Partner: Maji na Ufanisi (MnU)

Period: 01.12.2014-30.11.2017

Amount: DKK 2.992.158,00

Donor: Danida (CISU)

Link: Evaluation Report CISU MnU Kenya

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to an improved quality of life of the disadvantaged in Mombasa and Taita Taveta counties by improved WASH services. Rights holders in the two counties are empowered to actively participate in and influence county WASH planning processes by end of 2017 including relevant WASH county bills. In addition, rights holders in two counties are empowered to demand accountability in the county’s delivery of WASH services by the end of 2017. Lastly, duty bearers have an improved understanding of their roles and responsibilities within the devolved governance system with regards to inclusive planning and delivery of WASH services.